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Alameda Street Widening from Anaheim Street to Harry Bridges Boulevard

Updated: June 2023


The proposed Project would: (1) widen and reconstruct Alameda Street, from Anaheim Street to Harry Bridges Boulevard at Quay Avenue to provide three through lanes each way with a center turn lane/painted median (widening from four to six lanes)with a varying ROW width; (2) upgrade four existing railroad crossings at Anaheim Street, “E” Street, George De La Torre Jr. Avenue(formerly known as Eubank Avenue)and Harry Bridges Boulevard; (3) modify two traffic signals on Alameda Street at Anaheim Street and at theILWU-13propertydriveway entrance, and install three new traffic signals on “E” Street at Alameda Street, George De La Torre Jr. Avenue(formerly known as Eubank Avenue) at Alameda Street, and Quay Avenue at Harry Bridges Boulevard; (4) meet the requirements of the California Coast Trail, LA Harbor Waterfront Pedestrian Trail and the City of Los Angeles 2010 Bicycle Plan(Backbone Bikeway Network) by installing a Class I (off street)eight foot wide, two-way bike trail and shared pedestrian path, which would commence at the southernmost portion of the Project at Harry Bridges Boulevard and run along the eastern side of Alameda Street until Alameda Street intersects Anaheim Street; (5) upgrade Alameda Street to a Modified Major Highway Class II Street;(6)relocate, construct, and extend the City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County Flood Control District storm drain systems;(7)construct a new sidewalk on the southern side of Anaheim Street, with all sidewalks constructed in compliance with the latest version of the BOE Plan Standards; and (8) street tree removal and replacement. Installation of new and relocation of existing utilities such as water, oil, gas, power poles, streetlight poles, and sewers would also be required along with right-of-way acquisition.


The Project is located within the public-right-of way on Alameda Street between Anaheim Street and Harry Bridges Boulevard, in the Wilmington – Harbor City Community Plan Area of the City of Los Angeles.


The Bureau of Engineering (BOE), Environmental Management Group (EMG) has determined that the proposed Project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and no exemptions apply. Therefore, the preparation of an Initial Study (IS) is required. An IS is a preliminary analysis conducted by the lead agency, in consultation with other agencies (responsible or trustee agencies, as applicable), to determine whether there is substantial evidence that a project may have a significant effect on the environment. If the IS concludes that the project, within corporation of mitigation, may have a significant effect on the environment, an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) should be prepared; otherwise, the lead agency may adopt a Negative Declaration (ND) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND).  BOE has prepared an IS and is proposing to adopt an MND in accordance with CEQA (Public Resources Code §21000 et seq.), the State CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of Regulations, §15000 et seq.), and the City of Los Angeles CEQA Guidelines (1981, amended July 31, 2002). 

Public Review Period

The proposal to adopt a MND initiates a 30-day public comment period. The purpose of this comment period is to provide public agencies and the general public an opportunity to review the IS and comment on the adequacy of the analysis and the findings of the lead agency regarding potential environmental impacts of the proposed Project. If a reviewer believes there is substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment, the reviewer should (1) identify the specific effect, (2) explain why it is believed the effect would occur, and (3) explain why it is believed the effect would be significant. Facts or expert opinion supported by facts should be provided as the basis of such comments.

The public comment period began on April 13, 2023 and will end on May 14, 2023.

The IS/MND and supporting documents can be viewed at the links in the table below.

A hard copy of the IS/MND is available to review by appointment only at the City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering (BOE), Environmental Management Group (EMG) (1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Los Angeles, CA 90015).  Please contact Cherry Villanueva at to schedule an appointment.  

All comments must be submitted, in writing, no later than 5:00 p.m. on May 14, 2023. Comments may be submitted by email to Cherry Villanueva at (please include “Alameda Street Draft IS/MND Project Comments” in the subject line) or by mail to:

Cherry Villanueva,

City of Los Angeles,
Department of Public Works, BOE EMG,
1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939,
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Virtual Public Meeting - April 27, 2023

A virtual public meeting was scheduled for April 27, 2023, for interested individuals to learn more about the proposed Project and the findings of the IS/MND.

The presentation from April 27, 2023 public meeting is available at:



(Click on italicized text to view report)

Review Status Public Review Period
Draft IS/MND Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix A – Air Quality Technical Memorandum Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix B – Arborist Report (Part 1 and Part 2) Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix C – Biological Resources Memorandum Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix D – Cultural Resources Assessment Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix E – Energy Technical Memorandum Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix F – Greenhouse Gas Emissions Technical Memorandum Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix G – Noise and Vibration Technical Memorandum Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix H – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Open 4/13/23-5/14/23
Appendix I – Traffic Analysis Technical Memorandum Open 4/13/23-5/14/23