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CEQA Process Overview

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The first step in the CEQA process is to determine whether a proposed project is subject to CEQA. There are a number of exemptions. If the proposal is not subject to CEQA, the lead agency may file a notice of exemption. If the project is subject to CEQA, the lead agency may prepare an initial study to determine whether the project may have a significant adverse impact on the environment. An initial study is neither intended nor required to include the level of detail included in an environmental impact report (EIR). The initial study may be used as the basis for deciding whether to prepare an EIR or a negative declaration.

An EIR is prepared when the lead agency finds substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment.

When the lead agency determines that there is no substantial evidence that the project may have a significant effect on the environment, or when potential significant environmental effects are shown in the initial study, but the project is modified such that the environmental effects are rendered less than significant, a negative declaration is prepared. When potential significant environmental effects are shown in the initial study, but conditions of approval include mitigation measures that reduce all significant impacts to a level that is less than significant, a mitigated negative declaration is prepared.

Projects subject to CEQA must usually be considered by the Board of Public Works (BPW) and/or the City Council, which can approve the project as proposed, approve the project with conditions, or disapprove the project.

Environmental Management Group CEQA Publications

The CEQA documents published here are intended to enhance public awareness of, and participation in, public works and other projects, but not to take the place of any legally mandated publication or review. Every attempt has been made to post accurate information in a timely manner; however, we cannot be held responsible for any damages arising from errors in this posting.

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During public review periods, all comments must be submitted in writing by one of the following means, and must be RECEIVED by the close of the review period:

Mail: Environmental Management Group
Bureau of Engineering, Department of Public Works
City of Los Angeles
1149 S. Broadway, Suite 600
Los Angeles, California, 90015-2213

Fax: (213) 847-0656

Electronically: An e-mail address will be provided with each project listing during the review period.

Public notification of agenda items for the Board of Public Works and other commissions, Council committees and City Council is posted on the Internet 72 hours prior to the public meeting. To obtain the latest information regarding scheduled agenda items, please proceed on the following links:

The Board of Public Works hearing room and City Council chambers are both located on the 3rd floor of City Hall, 200 North Spring Street. The public entrance is on Main Street.